The visionary role is very misunderstood by many, including us visionaries!
There are three main issues around stepping into our greatness:
· Guilt
· Don’t understand the role and value of the visionary
· To let go or not let go
First of all guilt, I find a common issue is the guilt visionaries have. I should be working more, I should be doing more, I should be doing things I don’t like. Ultimately as we have the right people in the right seats, and we have the processes documented and we have delegated and elevated it opens up possibilities and “What do I do now?”. I can do what I am great at – it's awesome to be in a space of doing things that I love and what I am great at and part of our great gift. (Dan Sullivan calls it our unique ability). Get over guilt and know it's ok to have fun doing what we are doing, it's ok to be great at what we are doing, it's ok to add value without being the one at the office turning the crank.
Second is visionaries often don’t understand the role or the value of themselves. I know about 20 years ago, as my implementer, Mr. Gino Wickman helped me (literally saved my life in a lot of ways) to say there is a role for the visionary, there is a place for the visionary – the visionary does MATTER! It was new to me and it wasn’t really clearly defined. I took a sabbatical and came back to my business and my company told me they were glad I was back but they didn’t want me in the way. We need you to be doing what you are great at – entertaining clients, looking for ideas, and problem-solving. I was confused because those things were fun for me. I realized then, it's ok to have fun and step into my greatness!
Finally, to let go or to not let go is a conflict within a visionary. To let go of the vine or not let go of the vine. There is an art and a science to it. It’s not about just letting go of the vine and saying I am out and you guys figure it out alone. It’s about delegating and elevating and letting your team make decisions. Being very available if they need help with their rocks or problem solving, but the visionary doesn’t have to be there all the time. It’s about letting go (not just dropping the vine!) and letting the team know you are accessible and there to serve so they can get the things done that need to get done.
What are three ways to help a visionary step into their greatness?
Safe space
Fanatically schedule
Clear expectations
1 - Safe space.
For me as a visionary to have a safe space where people can come to me with ideas and suggestions, or if there is an issue or problem I don’t freak out or blow people up. You can come to me with an idea or you can come to the team. The visionary creates a safe space for the integrator to call a lot of the shots for the team. If there is safe space with the integrator then they just come to me with “Hey, we are about to do this, wanted to let you know.” It's part of the trust created. We learn together and so everyone knows there is a safe space for ideas and decision-making to happen and also sometimes for me as a visionary to have big ideas and not get shut down or told we can’t do something without exploring it or hearing me out first.
2 - Fanatically schedule.
Scheduling same pages meetings or time for the visionary and integrator together. Also, to make time to do what I love and what I am great at. For me, it’s to create great relationships. I call them shout-out sessions, where I am calling or texting people to say Hey, what’s going on? Anything I can do for you? Just checking in with them. I love doing that and usually from that comes things that I can help them with, people I can introduce them to, and it's amazing. Fanatically schedule in EOS terms is a clarity break. I call it iTime or vTime – visionary time. For about 90 minutes per week time where I am checking in, gaining confidence and clarity as I am listing all my issues, solving some things, and giving audio feedback to my team which will drive blogs, issues, or things to delegate. Mainly it’s about giving me visionary confidence and clarity.
3 - Clear Expectations.
From me to the team and the team to me. Here is what we need to get done. Here are my thoughts on where we are going. Then the team has a chance to say “Hey Bob, this is what we need you to do.” We get really clear with each other. We are open and honest to ideas, thoughts, feedback, celebrations, frustrations, learning. Also, having accountability if you say you are going to do something, then getting it done. Being a visionary doesn’t mean not being accountable, we may not have a rock but we need to be accountable to the team to finish to do’s each week or do things to not be the bottleneck in the company.
The visionary is an amazing role and yet it may feel like something new. It can be amazing to be a visionary. With these fast-changing times, we need more visionaries to step into their greatness. We need structure and the right team to do this.
I believe in Happy Visionary, Happy Life!
It's not just about the visionary being happy, but when visionaries get frustrated or have to dive into the day to day it doesn’t help the team get to the next level. If the visionary is happy and knows the team has their back, they can go drive new clients, come up with new ideas, inspire, drive the culture and everyone’s happier because the visionary gets out of the way!
(note: visionaries are not great managers…)
The core of what we do at iMatter is help you shift your mindset, realize what matters most, get clear on who you are, and learn how to truly live your North Star. We offer community, a safe space, and inspiration for Visionaries that are craving exponential growth and driven to expand their lives.
No matter where you are in the world, iMatter will help you gain clarity, be fulfilled, and feel connected to help you make a huge impact within yourself, your family, and your community. And by the way, as you step into your greatness you will have a ton of fun along the way…