Coach Bob Here.
I’ve been a fearless visionary for years and those that know me know that I’m on a mission to help as many visionaries as I can to truly grow and expand on their journey. With that being said we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to really understand how we can make a global impact on all fronts. With the new year approaching we are going to make sure that the iMatter brand stays at the forefront of everything and everyone, we inspire, educate and empower.
iMatter is a movement that was created to connect billions, to themselves and others on the same journey. The core of iMatter is to help you shift your mindset, realize what matters most, get clear on who you are, and learn how to truly live your North Star. We offer community, a safe space, and inspiration for Visionaries that are craving exponential growth and driven to expand their lives.
We do this through our programs, our sister companies like The Visionary Forum, and our life-changing events like The Visionary Summit and Go To The Mountain.
Going into the new year we want to focus heavily on helping other visionaries unscatter the chatter which will allow them to step into their greatness and truly live their north star.
We want to thank you for being on the ride with us and we are looking forward to what’s to come.
We are iMatter.
