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Updated: Mar 24, 2023

What is Betting on Yourself?

  • It is not being dependent.

  • It is having personal accountability and responsibility.

  • It is the courage to act.

So, not being dependent is not counting on others to take care of me. I reap what I sow. If I work hard and add more value I will actually get paid more and receive more positive feedback.

Personal accountability and responsibility to me are not waiting for the government or my bosses or other people to do something. It's asking myself what I can do. It's up to me, but it is not all about me.

It is realizing what I can do to add more value.

Having the courage to act is not about not avoiding fear. Courage is about realizing there are anger, fears, and frustrations but having the courage to jump, to take to that leap, and go for it.

So, why bet on yourself? It's the satisfaction and fulfillment of that independence, and it’s living life. It is knowing that I am a man of my own and that I did this. It was knowing that I was afraid of things, but I jumped at the chance and opportunities and I had the courage to take that leap.

Independence is being able to count on me. Knowing you are always here for yourself, the answers are inside…. imatter.

Interdependence can also be a part of it. Realizing that you may not want to do everything alone. Yet, I’m independent, you're independent but we have similar core values therefore, we can help each other, and then we all win.

Ultimately, the why is living life. To just not sit back and wait for others to take care of me.

How do I bet on myself?

  • I realize what matters most.

  • I clarify who I am.

  • I follow my North Star.

To realize what matters most, I am fanatically scheduling time to tap into what is going on in my head and in my heart. Do a daily and weekly check-in. What and who matters most to me.

Clarifying who I am is realizing and knowing what I am great at and what my great gift is. This is what I stand for and my core values. To know that, it can be your filter for what is going on.

Following my North Star is knowing what my purpose is. What is my purpose, cause, or passion? For me, it is to elevate the entrepreneurial spirit and inspire self-mastery.

Therefore, if that is my North Star, and it is to grow entrepreneurs, grow kids, and grow community; that is my guiding principle. Once I know that I am much more confident to bet on myself.

This is not just for entrepreneurs. My two kids are my biggest inspirations for betting on themselves. They are truly living and exhibiting the entrepreneurial spirit. They may or may not ever own or start a business, but they have that spirit of knowing that life is worth living and they're not going to be dependent on others, I'm going to solve problems, and act on my character. So, it's not just about the entrepreneurs betting on themselves, it's everyday people betting on themselves.

To sum it up, it's just asking yourself “why are we here?” Let's live life.

Jump, it’s not that far, as Joseph Campbell says. Entrepreneurs built this country and that entrepreneurial spirit is really what is going to be changing our world.


The core of what we do at iMatter is help you shift your mindset, realize what matters most, get clear on who you are, and learn how to truly live your North Star. We offer community, a safe space, and inspiration for Visionaries that are craving exponential growth and driven to expand their lives.

No matter where you are in the world, iMatter will help you gain clarity, be fulfilled, and feel connected to help you make a huge impact within yourself, your family, and your community. And by the way, as you step into your greatness you will have a ton of fun along the way…

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